Women’s Counseling
For Adults 18+
You may have arrived here because…
You are in a place where you no longer know what to do and so, you’ve decided to try individual counseling.
Your are experiencing trauma, daily life stressors, or disconnection in your relationships
You are having issues creating safety in your life.
You feel alone or afraid and you don’t know who to turn to.
You have experienced a divorce and are trying to figure out what life looks like now.
You are/have been in an abusive relationship and are trying to navigate finding healing and safety.
You desire a personal relationship with God but feel lost or angry towards Him.
It is another day wondering how he could treat you this way. You are trying so hard to make him happy. After all, you have given him everything! So much so, that you no longer have your own identity. When you look at yourself in the mirror you have no idea who is looking back at you. If he doesn’t like something, then you too must not like it. Irregardless, if that is the truth. Your ability to go out and do the things you want has decreased. If you do happen to go out, he contacts you over and over again. He begs you to come back home, under the guise that he “misses” you. When you do finally get home, he gives you a guilt trip for not spending time with him. You ask yourself how did it get to this point? Was he this way when you first met him?
You reach out to God begging him to change his heart. You love him! The idea of having to start all over puts a pit in your stomach.
Out of fear of information getting back to him you don’t tell anyone. Instead, you trap all of the abuse within you.
The relationship didn’t start off abusive. In fact, you prayed for him for a long time. When you look back you aren’t entirely sure when the abuse began. What you can see is the emotional abuse has escalated so quickly that you wonder who the man was you met when you were first dating. Even as you sit and label his actions abuse you almost stop yourself. He loves me! He would never abuse me! Perhaps you sit and create excuses as to why he is abusive. Again, he wouldn’t do this to you if there wasn’t a really good reason. Clearly you are the problem.
Until one day he hits you. As you walk away from the situation your brain is scrambling for answers. You look at him hoping it was all a dream and you will wake up. Instead, he looks you in the eyes and goes on about his day. No remorse. No contrition. In this moment you want to crawl inside of yourself and no longer exist. Internally you scream, “GOD, save me!”
If this story resonates with you, I want you to know I too was in this place several years ago. God hears you and you can rebuild!
That is correct, I am a trauma survivor. As you may have read in my bio, I was with my ex-husband for nine years. While our relationship didn’t start out abusive, it progressed to be more and more abusive every day. I, like many women, never thought he would do any of what he did. I thought I was marrying my best friend.
In fact, when we were first dating I prayed over and over again asking God if my ex-husband was the right man for me. I kept getting confirmation from God. Over time I learned that the issue was not the message that God gave me. The issue was my ex-husbands choice to walk away from God that broke our marriage.
What I want you to know is whether you are still in your relationship or you have left the relationship, God loves you and He has got you! If He has me, He certainly has you!!!
Envision waking up in the morning and as you open your eyes you aren’t filled with panic. The panic that makes you wonder how is he going to treat you today. Panic no longer lives inside of you because you know how to protect yourself.
This protection is both physically and mentally. On the road to freeing yourself you learned about boundaries. In learning boundaries your lioness that God created you with came out more and more. Yes, your lioness! This is the power and strength that every woman has inside of them!
This power and strength not only impacts you, but what you feel inside for your relationship with God. This relationship with God has taught you about how God sees you. An experience that has freed you from the opinions of others, especially your ex. Now you live your life for God! Which has become the most rewarding and fulfilling experience.
Questions about Women’s Counseling
Amanda, if I am not suffering with trauma/crisis can I still see you?
Yes! While my bread and butter is trauma counseling, I LOVE working with women trying to find themselves or dealing with everyday women’s issues.
I’ve never been to counseling before, what should I expect?
First, I want to congratulate you on taking the big leap to ask for help! Second, I want you to take any TV or movie references of counseling and throw it out of your brain. Like anything in movies, there is a small percentage that is accurate.
In many ways, counseling can look however you want it to. I tell all of my clients this is your time so we will go in whatever direction you wish to go. However, so I can better understand where my client would like to focus, I do have them set therapeutic goals. You could set one goal you could set one hundred.
What if I have done counseling before?
If you have participated in counseling previously that is totally fine! We can either continue where you left off, look at the previous issues addressed again, or begin working on new goals.
Amanda, you don’t take insurance and I want to work with you, what do I do?
The thing I encourage you to do is see if your insurance company will take a superbill. If they do, then I have no problem supplying that for you. Superbills allow you to get reimbursed up to a certain amount for your sessions. The insurance carriers where this is an exception are: Anthem and Medicare. Unfortunately, I do not provide superbills for these providers.
Want to find your lioness, heal from trauma, or find a closer relationship with God? Then click the button below to set up a free 15-minute consultation call!